Introducing: The Call of Cthulhu Path

Sponsored by Chaosium

The Storytelling Collective is excited to announce our partnership with Chaosium by unveiling our Call of Cthulhu path! Learn from prolific CoC author Paul Fricker to write and publish your own cosmic horror adventure.

Overview of the Curriculum by Path

Curious about what is included in each path?
Here's a table to guide your decision-making:


System Agnostic


Getting Organized
Setting a Project Scope
Better Brainstorming
Creating Your Living Document
Designing for Accessibility
Studying ttRPG Style Guides

Exploring Themes and Motifs

Researching for Your Adventure

Designing Narrative Choice and Obstacles



Outlining and Mindmapping



How to Go from Outline to Draft



Writing an Introduction 

Creating NPCs and Quest-Givers

Creating Villains and BBEGs

Incorporating Maps/Handouts

Writing Great Boxed Text (Sponsored by Dscryb)


The Five-Senses Guide to Creating Atmosphere



Worldbuilding Activity

Using a Template to Emulate D&D 5e Trade Dress

Playtesting 101

Editing Basics

Designing an Eye-Catching Cover

Layout Basics and Best Practices

Marketing Basics

Being a Good Community Creator
Publishing Day Checklist and Course Wrap-Up


  • What do you mean by "self-paced"?

    The lessons in this workshop unlock over the course of the month. (Check out the full schedule in the course.) This means that you can log in when you're able to log in and complete the lessons on your own schedule, any time during the month of July!

  • When does this workshop take place, and do I have to be online at a specific time?

    The workshop takes place from July 1st to July 31st. You do not have to be online at any specific time; we have a global community and scheduled classes are unfeasible. The lessons unlock on UTC time, but you're encouraged to complete them on your own schedule.

  • What is the format of the lessons?

    In this course, all lessons are written (like blog posts/articles). Each of the four units includes a few activities to guide your learning.

  • Where does this course take place?

    Right here on this website. On May 1st, just simply pop over here to and log in. The course will be available in your account!

Here's what RPG Writer Workshop alumni have to say:

Christopher Harding (@Xanethlyon)

RPG Writer Workshop Participant

Joining the RPG Writer Workshop has been the most fulfilling and welcoming experience that I've had in a long time. The connections and friends made, the knowledge gained and the confidence I have has grown. I've gone from being unpublished (and no writing projects), to 2 adventures, 3 supplements, a few collaborative projects, as well as charity bundles in just 7 months. I highly recommend joining the discord and the courses whenever possible. They've proven invaluable for getting my foot in the door and learning how to be a TTRPG writer.

TL Massey (@tlmasseywrites)

RPG Writer Workshop Participant

The RPGWW is not only a fantastic little community, it's also a powerhouse of project management for first-time TTRPG writers. Even if you're an experienced writer or illustrator, the RPGWW framework is a great new way to think about a module from start to finish. Best part about the community? You have baked in real-time access to peers and resources to make your debut into the TTRPG scene. Bonus: You'll still have them when you stick around after you publish module #1. I'm very pleased with how much I've been able to get done since I joined.

Matthew Wulf

RPG Writer Workshop Participant

The Write Your First Adventure workshop gave me the tools, motivation, and communal resources to publish my first TRPG adventure. The importance of having a defined goal every day cannot be overstated. This course will make you a better author and a better game master, guaranteed.

Michael Reid,

RPG Writer Workshop Participant

The RPG Writer Workshop is the perfect starting point for writers breaking into the tabletop industry. The structure of the course provides a strong foundation for developing each individual's method for writing TTRPG material, while the encouraging instructors and fellow students offer something even more important: community. Crafting my first adventure for the DMs Guild, "False Profits," as part of the July 2020 RPG Writer Workshop was a transformative experience for me as a new independent TTRPG writer. I can't recommend it enough!

Level Up Your Game Design

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