Join Us for 28 Days of Stories

Flash Fiction February is a month-long, 100% free creative challenge.


Write one piece of short (we mean it, SHORT) fiction every day in February. 

"Flash fiction" refers to complete stories under 500 words. The goal of this challenge is to treat it like your "literary sketchbook." We believe writers don't doodle enough to practice their craft and have fun with the written word, so this is an opportunity to explore your many awesome ideas while also practicing consistent creativity to overcome the daunting "start of a project" feeling. 

We've set up 28 one-word prompts that will unlock daily in February. Register now to get your Welcome kit and join the #flash-fic-feb channel on Discord.

The #FlashFicFeb Community Anthology

To celebrate your stories, the StoCo team is producing an anthology of your published flash fiction. At the end of the month, we'll open submissions and you can submit your favorite piece of flash fiction, to be published and promoted on, a platform for independent fiction authors. (50% of the proceeds from the anthology will be applied directly to our scholarship program to support creatives.)
A colorful purple, orange, and yellow swirled book cover reads Flash Fiction February Anthology Filled with Your Stories. A red arrow points to it, with the caption reading

#FlashFicFeb Begins on February 1st, 2021

Register now to join the challenge as soon as it kicks off!