Create, facilitate, and execute an ambitious collaborative ttRPG project

In this workshop, you'll learn the basics of project management and creative leadership when developing a large-scale collaborative project that brings together a diverse group of creators.

Opening for registration in early 2024

Sign up for the waitlist and you'll be notified when this program is open for registration.

What is a collaborative ttRPG project?

A ttRPG collaboration brings together a group of people with different skillsets — writing, art, editing, layout, sensitivity reading, and more — to produce one unified project (like a gamebook, anthology, or actual play show).

A woman with dark curly hair sits at a desk writing in a notebook. She gazes out the window over her shoulder. Above her floats a thought bubble, which contains a castle and a dragon.

Meet Your Instructor

Lyla McBeath Fujiwara

Lyla McBeath Fujiwara is a game designer and project manager living in Massachusetts. She's worked everywhere from rural Rwanda to Silicon Valley, leading teams to design and run an all-girls computer camp, produce online courses for over half a million students, and deliver Google News app features. As a creator, she writes games that focus on intricate stories, complex characters, and mechanics that drive the narrative. 

She is a 2023 Storytelling Collective Creative Laureate and 2023 Big Bad Con POC scholar and has freelanced for Gamehole Con, Bob World Builder, and Jeff Stevens Games. As a project manager, she's led Encounters in the Radiant Citadel, a 10-person D&D 5e collaboration where she was the project lead and layout artist and Jukebox: The Karaoke Musical TTRPG, a karaoke-based storytelling TTRPG. 

In addition to her creative work, she’s the author of Project Management for TTRPGs, a Substack series about project management and leadership for newcomers in the TTRPG space, and The TTRPG Collaboration Workbook, a 28-page workbook zine for project managers. In her off hours she can be found throwing lopsided ceramics and cooking feasts for her cooperative house.

Connect with Lyla at [email protected]

In this workshop, you'll learn how to...

  • Set Project Parameters & Goals

    Set a realistic project scope that accounts for all of the necessary details and potential obstacles.

  • Delegate Roles & Responsibilities

    Empower your collaborators through consistent communication and roles that play to their strengths.

  • Create a Logistical Plan

    Design a budget, draft contracts, and organize your logistics from the get-go.

  • Manage a Community

    Foster a welcoming, supportive, and inclusive community where each member feels like an equal contributor.

  • Track Progress & Milestones

    Measure your progress and keep things running smoothly — and learn how to get back on track when needed.

  • Market, Promote, & Celebrate!

    Develop an actionable and realistic promotional plan to celebrate your collaboration!

Join the RPG Writer Workshop Discord

Get help and support from our global community of writers! Our alumni agree that the Discord server is one of the most valuable assets of the workshop.
Two women with dark hair sit on either side of a large typewriter. They each write in a notebook, and speech bubbles float above their heads.